Sunday, May 10, 2020

Questions On The Assessment Of Counseling Essay - 1229 Words

OQ-45.2 Outcome Questionnaire Counseling, just like most healthcare fields, is increasingly susceptible to accountability for not only effectiveness, but ever also for funding. Whiston (2013) states, â€Å"counseling has entered a time when many stakeholders are interested in accountability information. For example, many insurance companies want data that documents that individuals do indeed get better form the services provided in a counseling agency,† (p. 294). With a great push for brief treatment options, and growing continued-stay evaluations, it is important that counselors utilize not only strong screening assessments, but also outcome assessments, to document their clients’ growth and progress. Furthermore, from an ethical and professional view, it is important for counselors themselves to have information that their treatment approaches are working. The OQ-45.2 Outcome Questionnaire is exactly that – an outcome questionnaire. However, the OQ-45.2 has other uses as well, including initial screening assessments and ongoing evaluations. This paper will investigate the OQ-45.2 use with a specific client population. It will also demonstrate how to explain and incorporate clients within the assessment process itself. Finally, it will discuss benefits and limitations of the assessment model. OQ-45.2 Use with Clients The OQ-45.2 has a significant amount of uses with targeted populations, far more than simply an outcome assessment. Hanson (2014) stated, â€Å"The OQ(c) may beShow MoreRelatedThe Case Of John And Carmen Essay1478 Words   |  6 PagesUNIT 9: The Case of John and Carmen The case being presented is John and Carmen. The two of the are getting married and have reached our for premarital counseling to help with some current issues regarding to their in laws meddling into their relationship which is caused a strain between the two of them. John has come from an upper middle class African American family. 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